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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Caveat in NUnit testing Matlab NE Builder produced assembly

Matlab NE Builder produced assembly when loaded needs to extract the compiled scripts into a cache area which is normally in the executable directory.

When such an assembly is being tested in NUnit, with Shadow Copying enabled (the default setting), can generate a file path that exceeds the maximum length of file path name of Windows.

When this happens, it can generate an exception saying that it cannot create an instance of MCR. Check the Text output tab of NUnit console for any message saying something like this:
Failed to remove
 Verify file ownership and access permissions.
Where is a very long path name.

If you still want to use Shadow Copying support in NUnit, go to NUnit's console's settings dialog and specify a short directory as a Shadow Copy Cache, which is usually your "%Temp%\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache". Alternately turn off the Shadow Copy can help to alleviate this problem.

1 comment:

Lawrence said...

Very helpful post, thanks!

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